Negative Differential Resistance in Spin-Crossover Molecular Devices
We demonstrate, based on low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy, a pronounced negative differential resistance (NDR) in spin-crossover (SCO) molecular devices, where a FeII SCO molecule is deposited on surfaces. The STM measurements reveal that the NDR is robust with respect to substrate materials, temperature, and the number of SCO layers. This indicates that the… Read More
Terphenylthiazole-based self-assembled monolayers on cobalt with high conductance photo-switching ratio for spintronics
Two new photo-switchable terphenylthiazole molecules are synthesized and self-assembled as monolayers on Au and on ferromagnetic Co electrodes. The electron transport properties probed by conductive atomic force microscopy in ultra-high vacuum reveal a larger conductance of the light-induced closed (c) form than for the open (o) form. We report an unprecedented conductance ratio of up… Read More