Offres, Réseau
offre de Post-doc CEA
une offre de Post-doc sur 12 mois au CEA pour la fabrication d’une cellule de Purcell. contact : Ludovic Tortech, CEA de Saclay, 0169086556, sujet Read More
publications, Réseau
Field and Thermal Emission Limited Charge Injection in Au–C60–Graphene van der Waals Vertical Heterostructures for Organic Electronics
Among the family of 2D materials, graphene is the ideal candidate as top or interlayer electrode for hybrid van der Waals heterostructures made of organic thin films and 2D materials due to its high conductivity and mobility and its inherent ability of forming neat interfaces without diffusing in the adjacent organic layer. Understanding the charge… Read More
Actu, Réseau
Journées du GDR OERA 2023
Les prochaines journées du GDR OERA, qui auront lieu le 12 et 13 octobre 2023 à l’Hexagone, Campus de Luminy, Marseille. Voici les nouveautés principales de cette année : – l’accent sera mis sur la thématique « Green Electronics », avec 4 présentations invitées étalées sur les deux premières demi-journées ; – le bureau du GDR fera… Read More
Offres, Réseau
Offre de these Moltech
Le sujet porte sur l’élaboration des molécules cage permettant de modifier des surfaces par pour de la reconnaissance moléculaire. ApplicationAll applications should include a cover letter, a CV and at least one recommendation letter and should besent to sebastien.goeb@univ– and christelle.gautier@univ– presentation Read More
Offres, Réseau
offre de thèse ICMCB
Molecular electronics is the discipline that studies nano-electronic devices in which the charge transport occurs across a single molecule or a single layer of molecules, to perform simple or complex electronic functions. In recent years, the advent of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) comes at a tremendous energetic cost,… Read More
Offres, Réseau
Offre these ITODYS
L’objectif de ce projet de thèse est de développer de nouvelles jonctions moléculaires pour des applications en électronique moléculaire. Forts de notre expérience dans ce domaine, nous nous intéressons à l’optimisation de ces systèmes et notamment le rôle primordial des couches moléculaires. Il s’agira d’étudier différents systèmes moléculaires comportant soit des charges (complexes métalliques par… Read More
publications, Réseau
Manipulation of the magnetic state of a porphyrin-based molecule on gold: From Kondo to quantum nanomagnet via the charge fluctuation regime
By moving individual Fe-porphyrin-based molecules with the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope in the vicinity of the elbow of the herringbone-reconstructed Au(111) containing a Br atom, we reversibly and continuously control their magnetic state. Several regimes are obtained experimentally and explored theoretically: from the integer spin limit, through intermediate magnetic states with renormalized magnetic… Read More
publications, Réseau
Growth and local electronic properties of Cobalt nanodots underneath graphene on SiC(0001)
The coupling of graphene with a ferromagnetic material opens opportunities for technological innovations in spintronics. To obtain this coupling it is necessary to control the elaboration of interfaces at the atomic scale. Here, we present results on cobalt intercalation between graphene and a buffer layer supported on a SiC(0001) substrate. As a result, we obtain cobalt islands covered by graphene… Read More
publications, Réseau
Surface symmetry effect on the charge transfer at the black, blue, and green phosphorene/graphene interfaces
In the present study, a comparative prediction of atomic and electronic structure of black, blue, and green phosphorene/graphene heterostructures is presented using Density Functional Theory (DFT). The lowest total and interaction energies and highest charge transfer correspond to the blue phosphorene/graphene interface, followed by black and green phosphorene/graphene interfaces. This trend is the same for… Read More