publications, Réseau
Planar bridging an atomically precise surface trench with a single molecular wire on an Au(1 1 1) surface
In a bridge configuration, a single graphene nanoribbon (GNR) is positioned with a picometer precision over a trench in between two monoatomic steps on an Au(1 1 1) surface. This GNR molecular wire adopts a deformed conformation towards the down terrace in between the two contact step edges. Using differential conductance dI/dV mapping from a… Read More
Offres, Réseau
Chaire de Professeur Junior
Chaire de Professeur Junior à MOLTECH-Anjou L’Université d’Angers vient de proposer la création d’un poste de Chaire de Professeur Junior (CPJ) au Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche pour soutenir l’activité du laboratoire MOLTECH–Anjou dans le domaine de la « Conception et caractérisation de dispositifs électroniques organiques ». L’objectif est de maintenir la… Read More
Offres, Réseau
Postdoc IEMN
Evolving electronic transport in molecular switches / nanoparticles networks The EVOLMONET project funded by the National Research Agency over the period 2021-2024 in partnership with chemists of MOLTECH-Anjou, aims to develop nanoparticle-molecule networks with switchable molecules in order to implement reconfigurable reservoir computing hardware. In EVOLMONET, we will explore electron transport at high frequency and… Read More
publications, Réseau
Probing the Effect of the Density of Active Molecules in Large-Area Molecular Junctions
The effect of the density of active molecules in molecular junctions (MJs) has been investigated by using a host/guest strategy. Mixed layers consisting of oligothiophene (BTB) encapsulated by β-cyclodextrin (BTB@β-CD) were generated. Cyclodextrins were then removed, and the pinholes generated were filled with BTB to obtain BTB@BTB films. MJs based on mixed BTB@β-CD and BTB@BTB layers, as well as single-component… Read More
Offres, Réseau
Offre Postdoc IEMN
Chercheur CDD (H/F) « Mesures SPM de magnéto-transport sur des nano-objets fonctionnalisés » Missions Development and implementation of nano-fabrication and local probe microscopy techniques to study the grafting, transport and magnetoresistance properties of nano-objects (NOs) functionalized by organic monolayers. Two families of molecules forming SAMs (self assembled monolayers) will be compared: single bonded (typically alkyl chains) and… Read More
publications, Réseau
Artificial Graphene Spin Polarized Electrode for Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
2D materials offer the ability to expose their electronic structure to manipulations by a proximity effect. This could be harnessed to craft properties of 2D interfaces and van der Waals heterostructures in devices and quantum materials. We explore the possibility to create an artificial spin polarized electrode from graphene through proximity interaction with a ferromagnetic… Read More
Offres, Réseau
Offre post doc SU
The LISE (Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques) and LRS (Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface) laboratories are two associated research units of the CNRS (« Unités Mixtes de Recherche »), which are localized at Sorbonne Université, on the Jussieu campus, Paris 5th . They are one of the partner of the cubic project funded by the… Read More
Single-crystalline nanoribbon network field effect transistors from arbitrary two-dimensional materials
The last decade has seen a flurry of studies related to graphene nanoribbons owing to their potential applications in the quantum realm. However, little experimental work has been reported towards nanoribbons of other 2D materials. Here, we propose a universal approach to synthesize high-quality networks of nanoribbons from arbitrary 2D materials while maintaining high crystallinity,… Read More
Offre Postdoc LPEM
The project aims to address the emergence of new coherent quantum states with possible topological properties in hybrids composed of magnetic molecules self-assemblies and superconductors. The electronic and structural properties at very low temperatures in ultra-high vacuum conditions will be studied by STM/STS and AFM associated with angle-resolved photoemission measurements. The postdoctoral candidate will join… Read More
Redox-controlled conductance of polyoxometalate molecular junctions
We demonstrate the reversible in situ photoreduction of molecular junctions of a phosphomolybdate [PMo12O40]3− monolayer self-assembled on flat gold electrodes, connected by the tip of a conductive atomic force microscope. The conductance of the one electron reduced [PMo12O40]4− molecular junction is increased by ∼10, and this open-shell state is stable in the junction in air at room temperature. The… Read More